So, things have been pretty quiet on this blog since I finished my master's. It's been mostly because of (for a time) lack of internet, but also a lack of motivation. But all is not lost! Open Words is destined to carry on! I'm currently working on rebuilding the site from the ground up using
Drupal in place of WordPress.
My new job has given me new skills and increased confidence in my abilities as a web developer and I've come on leaps and bounds since I began this project.
The current site will stay as it is as a temporary stop-gap while I work on the new site, hosted here on my computer. My intention is to experiment with modules/themes/etc on a local version of the site, before buying some seperate hosting and creating a world-viewable version.
This is what Open Words was meant to be all along and I'm really excited about how things are shaping up. I hope you are too!