As I've said before, my original intention was to learn PHP and then to work on altering WordPress (and other software) to my needs. Having begun down this path, I found it to be a far more daunting task than I'd first imagined. While learning PHP didn't seem too difficult, becoming proficient with it on a level that would allow me to work with a programme as complex as
WordPress in such a short time is probably near impossible (or would probably require me to be locked in a room alone for the next few months).
Fortunately, having installed WordPress on part of
my personal website and having looked into what you can do with it as a site-building/management tool, it seems that it's flexible enough in itself to be able to do what I want. While this means that the site may not end up the way one designed completely from the ground up would have, it does mean that the site will be a lot closer to working fully than I had originally thought.
The next step shall be to look into how to adapt WordPress (using the settings available, as well as the various plugins there are) in a way that will allow the site to function in the way I wish. I shall also be looking into how to alter the site design. This means I shall be working on design ideas for the site, which I shall put up here.