Book layouts The option of have longer pieces organised into specific sections as well as linking pieces together
- Chapters Separating large sections of a book style work into separate pages that can be easily navigated to
- Paragraphs Allowing people to jump around a piece at will. Also the possibility of allowing you to bookmark a paragraph in a piece so you can return later and pick up where you left off
- Sequels The possibility of linking a series of books together
- Replies Allowing other writers to connect their work to yours (due to things such as using the same characters)
Dictionary/thesaurus links Links through to an online dictionary and/or thesaurus
- Search integrated The possibility of integrating a search function for the dictionary/thesaurus into things like the text editor and piece browser
Mail/Notes? Allowing users to send private messages to each other
- Storage space The issue of how much storage space to give the users
- - Plain text, no attachments No wasted space on formatting or large files, possibility of using html for messages (like MySpace does)
- - Emoticons Allowing the use of them in messages, same as on forums
Favourites/bookmarks page A place for users to keep a record of their favourite pieces/authors
- Show newest pieces Organise the pieces by how new they are or how recently they've been updated
- watching messages/alerts Alerts shown to users when something happens like a piece in their favourites is edited or an author they like has posted something new
Future plans Things that are not only out of the scope of this as my major project but will likely have to wait until the site is established (rather than just because of technical issues)
- Integration with other social networking websites Allowing users to connect their profile to their profiles elsewhere
- - Facebook Most likely through some sort of application that would show an overview of the user's profile on the site
- - MySpace Similar to Facebook, not sure how MySpace applications work?
- - Etc There's various other sites to look into, some along the lines of Facebook and MySpace, others more specialised (an important one would be LibraryThing)
- Possible opportunity to be available on devices such as Kindle? Looking into how people using a Kindle could browse the site and download pieces to their device
- Independent publishing to create books on demand of certain pieces Like how people have prints on DeviantArt, this means they can put their pieces up for sale and they will be made into books as people request them
- Publishing collections of shorter pieces Not every piece will be the appropriate length for a book to itself. This is the possibility that pieces will be chosen (through something like a competition) to be part of a collection of work from the site that will be available to buy from the site
- - Genre Collections could be based on genre (such as a sci-fi collection)
- - Piece style Or on the style of the pieces inside (such as a collection of poetry or short stories)
- RSS feeds? The possibility of having RSS feeds from the site. What of is undecided.
- - Personalised? Could you have personalised RSS feeds? These would notify users of their new alerts, etc
- Intricate Creative Commons licensing Giving greater control over how a piece on the site is licensed
- - More depth A user can choose to use one license for the whole work or separate licenses for different parts. So other authors could maybe write pieces set in the same world, but aren't allowed to use the same characters.
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Notes from the red book - part 7
creative commons,
library thing,