Reputation system A system that will give users a certain "reputation" value that will allow other users to see at-a-glance their standing in the community.
- Writing/commenting ratio Shows how many comments a user has left compared to how many pieces they've written. Good comments are more heavily weighted as they are a user participating in the community and helping others.
- - Initial comments Comments posted on pieces.
- - Follow-up comments Responses to comments. Worth less than initial comments.
- - Stats breakdowns (similar to DeviantArt) A page on a user's profile that shows things like how many comments a user has posted, how many of those have been moderated a certain way, etc.
- Similar rating system to Slashdot on comments Allowing users not only to rate comments as good or bad, but also as things like "helpful", "correction" (grammatical or factual), "interesting", etc. Comments gain and lose weight accordingly.