Monday, 31 March 2008

Notes from the red book - part 3

Editor A web app not unlike the one I'm using right now to post this. With some additional features.

- Easily add tags Like the little box at the bottom here, it lets you add tags and suggests tags you've already use. Possibly suggests common tags.
- Add links to character pages Allows you to easily add links to info pages you set up that talk about various things, such as characters, places, etc.
- - List of existing pages Lists pages you've already set up, whether they're character pages or other parts of your work (or even other works).
- - Ability to create new pages Allows you to create a link to a page you haven't set up yet and will create a blank page that you can edit at a later date.
- - Find function Allows you to search for certain things within a text and add things like links or tags (so every instance of a character's name can link to their profile page).
- Spell check? An important function. Decision has to be made as to whether it will be provided by the browser or the editor.